Copy Trader Recruitment


Copy Trades

Copy Trades

General clients follow the traders they wish to copy from the list of traders.

What is the list of traders?

The trading status, achievements, etc. of traders are displayed in a list from which users can follow the trader they wish to copy and determine the amount they want to trade.

As the number of people following you increases due to your trading performance, your reward amount will also increase, leading to large profits.
In order to be recruited as a copy trader, it is necessary to submit for review at least six months of your trading performance.
Once recruited, we will disclose your trading performance and recruit users who will follow you.

Copy Trader Recruitment Procedure

  • 1

    Send a copy trader recruitment request.

  • 2

    A representative will contact you with the designated account information.

  • 3

    You will trade using the designated account.

  • 4

    Trading will start with you listed on the list of traders where recruitment of follower users will begin.

About Copy Trader Income

Pips back will be generated for each trade in the account of a user being followed.
Depending on trading performance, there is no limit to user followers so you can expect great income.
The pips back will vary depending on the scale of the clients, which we will explain after recruitment.
Partner rewards will also be generated for users who open an account from their own page of the trader list, so trading achievements will also serve as a tool for attracting clients.